Airway management
1. Describe the anatomy of larynx with difference in adult and children.
What is importance of recurrent laryngeal nerve in anaesthesia Practice
2. Evaluation of difficult airway
3. Difficult intubation
4. Trachesotomy techniques and complications
5. Discuss the preoperative assessment and the method of anaesthesia in Patient with T M Ankylosis for the Release of Ankylosis
6. Predictive factors & intubation difficulty
7. Causes of airway obstruction following thyroid surgery and its managementc.
8. Anatomy of larynx. Enumerate with diagrams the types of vocal cord palsies
9. Management of an adult with smoke inhalational injury
10. Problems of anaesthesia in dental chair
11. List the bed side test available to predict the difficult intubations. Comment on their use
12. Anaesthetic Management of two years old child who is scheduled for
Therapeutic Bronchoscopy following inhalation of foreign body 2 days ago
child could not exhibit any sign of airway obstruction
13. Airway management in an unconscious patient
14. Discuss the patho-physiology and management of inhalational injury. (25 marks)
15. Vocal cord palsies with the aid of diagrams of direct laryngoscopic view.
Basics and general aspects
1. Infections related to anaesthetic practice
2. Plasma expanders
3. Discuss the pathophysiology and management of anaphylactoid reactions in anaesthesia
4. Disinfection
5. Prevention of fire and explosion hazards in operation theaters
6. Pre-operative evaluation of Autonomic function
7. Pollution in Anaesthesia
8. O2 toxicity
9. Role of kidney in acid base balance
10. Possible causes of delayed recovery from general anaesthesia
11. Temperature regulation in adults, Predisposing factors, diagnosis and management of malignant hyperpyrexia
12. Oxygen cascade, Oxygen transport and Oxygen dissociation curve
13. What is minimum monitoring standard? Describe the objectives and methods.
14. The factors influencing tissue oxygenation
15. Risk and management of pulmonary aspiration
16. Application of venturi principle in anaesthetic practice
17. Pre-operative visits
18. Oxygen therapy
19. Plasma proteins and anaesthesia
20. Post anaesthetic vomiting
21. Write down the physiology of sleep. How does it differ from anaesthesia?
22. What phases occur in various stages of anaesthesia
23. Total intravenous anaesthesia
24. Occupational hazards to anaesthetist
25. Post operative jaundice
26. Pulmonary edema in intra operative and immediate post operative period
27. What is malignant hyperthermia? Discuss its clinical features and
laboratory finding. Why it is important for the anesthetist to know
about this syndrome?
28. Air Embolism under anesthesia
29. Discuss the Aetiology and Management of various Cardiac Arrhythmias occurring during anaesthesia
30. Management of Mismatched Blood Transfusione.
31. Occupational Hazards to Anesthetist
32. Defibrillation
33. Central anticholinergic syndrome in the post operative period
34. HIV and anaesthesia
35. Stress management in anaesthesia practice
36. Recognition and management of anaphylaxis during general anaesthesia
37. Post-OP shivering
38. Hepatitis B and anaesthesiologist
39. Intra operative bronchospasm
40. Current concepts in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
41. Temperature regulation in adults, Predisposing factors, diagnosis and management of malignant hyperpyrexia
42. Anaesthetic considerations in obesity
43. What are the potential causes of delayed resumption of spontaneous
ventilation after abdominal surgery with general anaesthesia. Discuss
the problem, its diagnosis and management
44. Discuss in brief the problems of adult patient with Downs syndrome for multiple teeth extraction
45. Preoperative preparation of a diabetic patient with history of bleeding varices lino-renal shunt operation.
46. Anaphylactic reaction on the operation table.
47. Risk factors for Venous Thrombo Emolism and classify the current method of prevention with examples.
48. What are the diagnostic features that would lead to identify
Malignant Hyperthermia during (or) immediately after Anaesthesia and
state the guidelines of Management?
49. Assessment of intra operative awareness
50. Define perioperative hypertension. Describe the causes and management
51. Describe in detail the occupational hazards to Anaesthesiologists
52. Modified guidelines of Cardio-pulmonary Brain Resuscitation- 2005
53. Diagnosis and management of an acute attack of Malignant Hyperthermia
54. Discuss the causes of delayed recovery from anaesthesia and the management
55. What are the causes of hypercarbia during the intraoperative period. Discuss the effects and management
56. Stress response to trauma and surgery
57. Air embolism during anaesthesia
58. Complications and sequalae of blood transfusion
59. Discuss the anaesthetic techniques and postoperative problems in an
obese patient for large hernia of interior abdominal wall.
60. Complication of blood transfusion.
61. Problems of laparoscopic surgery and monitoring techniques used during the procedure
62. Discuss the aetiology and management of supra ventricular arrythmia's during surgical procedures
63. Disseminated intra-vascular coagulation
64. naesthetic problems in an anemic patient
65. Prevention and treatment of intra-operative myocardial infarction
66. Preoperative preparation and evaluation of a patient with history of exertional angina for surgery under general anesthesia
67. Describe airway management of a patient of Anyklosing spondylitis
with severe restriction of neck movement posted for total hip
68. Management of intra-operative bronchospasm
69. Pathophysiology of venous air embolism. Mention the methods of detection, prevention and treatment.
70. Iatrogenic complications in anaesthesia
71. Recent trends in blood transfusion and blood products
72. Somatosensory evoked potential
73. Autologous blood transfusion
74. Awareness during anaesthesia
75. Blood component therapy
76. Crystalloid and colloid
77. Safe anaesthetic procedure
78. Bronchospasm during anaesthesia and immediate post-operative period and its management
79. Autologus blood transfusion
80. Attenuation of Laryngoscopic reaction to intubation
81. Discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features and management of Mendelson's syndrome.
82. Autologous blood transfusion
83. Aetiology and management of hypotension during anaesthesia
84. Beta receptor blockade its relationship in anaesthesia
85. Post anaesthetic vomiting
86. Advanced life support
87. Management of multi focal ventricular ectopics during anaesthesia
88. Minimum patient monitoring during anaesthesia
89. Malignant hyperthermia
90. Embolisms during anaesthesia
91. .Discuss the current concepts and modified guidelines of cardiopulmonary brain resuscitation.
92. Current concepts in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant hyperthermia
93. Awareness and wakefullneSS under anaesthesia
94. APACHE score (acute Physiology and chronic health evaluation)
95. Advanced life support
96. What is myesthenia gravis? What are its clinical features? Discuss
the preoperative investigations, preparation and anaesthetic management
of such a case presenting for an interval appendisectomy and management
of the likely complications
97. Management of multi focal ventricular ectopics during anaesthesia
98. Malignant hyperthermia
99. Embolisms during anaesthesia
100. Current concepts in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant hyperthermia
101. Autologus blood transfusion
102. Plasma proteins and anaesthesia
103. Define morbid obesity. Enumerate the changes that occur in the
respiratory, cardiovascular and metabolic systems in obesity. A 40 years
old patient with a height of 158 cms. And weighing 150 kgs. Is
scheduled for pyelothotomy. How will you evaluate this patient
preoperatively. Discuss the anaesthetic management and the expected
problems in such a case
104. Supine Hypotension Syndrome
105. .Define hypertension. How will you evaluate and prepare
pre-operatively a 40 year old female patient scheduled for abdominal
hysterectomy. Discuss the anaesthetic and post-operative management of
such a case. (
106. Management of Mendelson's syndrome
107. Perioperative blood conservation
108. Interactions of pre-existing drug therapy with the anaesthetic agents and techniques
109. Water and electrolyte disturbances and their pre-anaesthestic correction in small gut obstruction.
110. Oxygen therapy
111. Oxygen therapy in post operative period
112. Uses, advantages and disadvantages of plasma expanders
113. Hypotension during anaesthesia
114. .Discuss anatomy of the diaphragm with a diagram. How does it behave under different stages of anaesthesia?
115. Spinal opiate receptors
116. Neuro-muscular transmission